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A few misconceptions about water cooling pad, have you been hit?

In today's society, the use of cooling pad walls has become increasingly widespread, but there are certain misconceptions about the use of cooling pad. Yueneng exhaust Fan cooling pad will answer them for you.

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The lower the water temperature, the more significant the cooling effect?

Many breeders believe that the cooling effect of cooling pad is related to the temperature of the water, and the lower the water temperature, the more significant the cooling effect. This viewpoint has obvious errors. The principle of cooling pad cooling is "water evaporation absorbs heat". Water wets the cooling pad and forms a water film on the corrugated fiber surface. When fast flowing air passes through the cooling pad, the water in the cooling pad absorbs the heat in the air and evaporates, taking away a large amount of heat, thus achieving the purpose of cooling. Therefore, the higher the water temperature, the more evaporation, and the more heat the water takes away. Therefore, in summer, when the cooling pad cools down, room temperature water can achieve a good cooling effect.

The wetter the cooling pad, the more significant the cooling effect?

When the cooling pad cools down, the water flow forms a wrinkled water film on the corrugated fiber surface of the cooling pad, with a total area equivalent to more than 10 times the appearance area of the cooling pad. This can ensure the maximum contact area between the air and water film, thereby achieving the best cooling effect. So, if the cooling pad is too wet, it will cause long flowing water to block the pores of the cooling pad, reduce the contact area between the cooling pad and the air, and instead cause a decrease in cooling effect.

Is the temperature more uniform and stable when using cooling pad with ventilation windows?

Cooling pad cooling usually requires the use of a exhaust fan. Under negative pressure ventilation, a "pressure difference" will form inside the chicken coop, and outdoor air will quickly pass through the cooling pad, colliding with the water film of the cooling pad to quickly achieve the cooling effect. But if the ventilation window is opened and the indoor pressure is destroyed, the collision effect between the water film and the air will decrease, seriously affecting the cooling effect. So using a cooling pad to cool down must be done in a closed space for better results.

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The faster the cooling pad cools down, the better?

Although the purpose of using a cooling pad is to cool down, it is not necessarily better to cool down as quickly as possible. If the cooling pad cools down too quickly, it can cause a sudden drop in temperature inside the chicken coop, making it difficult for the chicken flock to adapt. Especially for chickens near the cooling pad, there is a high probability of developing symptoms such as colds, which can cause cold stress. Therefore, when using a cooling pad to cool down, it is necessary to gradually wet them step by step.

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Post time: May-30-2024